Modelling legume yield
The modelling legume yield work draws on 20 years of lucerne, soil and water data from Lincoln University, along with on-farm experiments. It aims to answer questions around legume forages’ impact on production, environment, climate change, nutrient leaching and carbon sequestration. Professor Derrick Moot (Lincoln University) and Dr Edmar Teixeira (Plant & Food Research) are developing two models.
One model (Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) real time (daily step) model) will be for use by agribusiness professionals, policy-makers and researchers and the second for use by farmers. This work is also complimented by data being collected by Dr Nathan Odgers (Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research) whose team is mapping micro-indicators, such as soil temperature and moisture, in the hill country landscape.
Natives as alternative forages
Dr James Millner (Massey University) and his team are evaluating the multiple potential uses of native shrubs on sheep/beef hill country farms, including biodiversity, mitigating soil erosion and as an alternative forage. Key to this work is also advancing our Mātauranga Māori knowledge of native shrub species and the value of integrating natives within a hill country landscape.
Resilient farmers for the future
Making decisions about plant selection to feed animals and enhance environmental stewardship is not done in isolation. Recognition and understanding of the drivers, challenges and opportunities presented to farmers directly influences how our farmers can achieve and maintain a resilient future.
Listening to hill country farmers tell their story
We have had the privilege of listening to almost 300 farmers and others connected to hill country farming tell us their hopes, challenges and vision for the future. We heard about the challenges of succession planning, opportunities for economic diversification and the value of environmental stewardship. Our farmers conveyed both pride and passion for what they do whilst acknowledging the challenges about unfavourable portrayal in the media. You can read more here. Check out our Farmer Perspective series for a summary of some of the biggest issues that were identified during our interviews.
A vision for a resilient hill country farming future
Our researchers, Dr Katherine Dixon (Nature Positive) and Angela McFetridge (B+LNZ) are using data from the interviews as a foundation to build a united vision for a resilient hill country future. This vision and how it could be achieved is being tested with farmer groups to see how well it resonates.
Telling the stories of our farmers
The interviews also told us that our farmers had an important story to tell and that this needed to be championed. The team is actively working to compile individual farmer stories to promote as well as profiling our sector’s farming story of continual improvement for our environment, animals, and people. It is important that we don’t lose sight of the integral role that our farmers play as producers of high quality food and stewards of our iconic hill country landscapes.